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Vacation Bible School

When: June 11 - June 15, 9:00 am - 11:45 am

Where: Holy Trinity Catholic School Gym

Cost: $25 per child. A $5.00 discount per child will be applied when two or more children attend from the same family.

Each child needs to have their own form completed. 

Financial assistance is available. Please contact Kathleen Willis in the parish office. Her email is kwillis@htlenexa.org

Online registration will be available through May 11, 2017.

If you or your junior high or high school student can help to make VBS a success please let us know. This is a great opportunity for service hours!  

Questions can be directed to Jill Thorne at 913-220-9502 or drjillthorne@hotmail.com

For questions about VBS please contact Jill Thorne at drjillthorne@hotmail.com or 913-220-9502